Message From Our Director

Thank you for your interest in Potter’s House of Prayer and PHOPU where we are committed to raising up men and women, both young and old, in the knowledge of God to be agents of change in their generation.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is doing something unique and special in the earth today. All over the world He is sovereignly calling men and women to the place of night and day intercession and worship. The face and expression of Christianity is changing right before our eyes and we here at the Potter’s House of Prayer are endeavoring to do our part in this historic move of God.

In the same way that God raised up forerunners of night and day prayer before His first coming so we believe that He is doing the same today. Globally He is instilling in the heart of His bride the great cry of “Come Lord Jesus” that will ultimately usher in the return of our Messiah. We believe wholeheartedly that in these last days this calling to night and day prayer is not only legitimate, but that it is actually warranted and necessary in order for the plans and purposes of God to be accomplished on the earth.

The Potter’s House of Prayer University exists to train and equip these end time intercessors in the knowledge of God that will ignite their hearts in love for Jesus and cause them to give themselves to the place of prayer, fasting, and worship in order to see our world changed for the glory of God until the Day He splits the sky and comes again for His bride.

Again we thank you for your interest in joining us here at the Potter’s House of Prayer and we look forward to hopefully seeing you soon!

Until He Comes,
Maxwell G. Thomas
Director of PHOPU

Who We Are

The Potter’s House of Prayer was birthed not of our own desire but out of the desire of God’s heart to see Jesus rightfully exalted and this region transformed. Beginning May 7th, 2012 the Potter’s House of Prayer holds a long-term vision of establishing night and day worship and prayer in the city of Mankato. Many prophetic voices including Lou Engle, Brian Kim, Corey Russell, Eddie James, Luke Holter, and many more have come through this region and all spoken of the great prayer movement that is destined to bring lasting transformation to this region. We hold these prophetic words dear to our heart and believe hold-heartedly and continue to contend for their fulfillment.

We are committed, by the grace of God, to giving ourselves to the place of prayer and worship unto a great revival and harvest of souls in our region. We believe that evangelism and works of justice must be rooted in the place of intercession and that in order to see God’s desires for our region come to fruition we must partner with Him in prayer in a faithful way.

Two major characters that inspire us are Anna, who in Luke 2 is described as a prophetess who remained faithful in the House of Prayer for decades that ultimately culminated in the first coming of Jesus, and King David who appointed 4,000 musicians and 288 singers to minister before the Lord night and day (1Chron. 23:5; 25:7). Throughout Old Testament history Israel’s kings and leaders would implement Davidic worship (Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Jehoiada, Hezekiah, Josiah, Zerubbabel, and Ezra). In the same way we believe the Holy Spirit is restoring the spirit of Davidic worship to usher in the great harvest of souls that is promised right before Jesus returns.

Our Core Values

Potter’s House of Prayer University exists to help form and forge men and women within the context of prayer, fasting, and worship so that they can become witnesses to their generation. The great need of the hour is men and women who have a high view of God and are faithful to intercession.

PHOPU is an avenue for people to consecrate themselves for a season of intense prayer, sustained worship, and bold evangelism. Interns will receive sound theological teaching and powerful impartation related to the Person of Christ and the calling of a House of Prayer. Interns in PHOPU will be immersed in the culture and values of a House of Prayer in way that they will grow in their own personal walk with God and, by the grace of God, begin to function in their calling and destiny.

We hold four main core values at PHOPU:

  1. Prayer

    “Men are God’s method. The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men…What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use – men of prayer, men might in prayer.” – E.M. Bounds

  2. Community

    If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Prayer has mistakenly been made into an individual endeavor and it our belief that community is a vital part of the House of Prayer.

  3. Worship

    Men were created for one thing and one thing alone, worship. For all eternity the saints will be singing their love song to Christ as they behold the One who purchased them.

  4. Courageous Evangelism

    One of the primary purposes of prayer is the release of God’s power into society and PHOPU is committed to raising up intercessors who can also share their faith with confidence and demonstrations of power in order to win souls for Christ.