Prayer is essential to all that the Christian does. The Potter’s House of Prayer will be a place where prayer and worship will be offered continually before the Lord, and the presence of God will dwell day and night. It will be a catalyst to release lasting transformation in the lives of individuals, families and throughout this region.
All across the nations of our world, God is raising up an army of prayer warriors. He is releasing a wave of prayer movements all across the world and this region must not be left out.
The greatest need within the body of Christ today is for a radical, dedicated, passionate group of believers to rise up in the power of consistent, persistent prayer and push back the kingdom of darkness. We cannot reduce life to temporal pursuits that are disconnected from eternal realities. Prayer is the one thing that has both temporal and eternal implications. All throughout history, we have witnessed the solemn call to prayer and intercession from God whenever society becomes spiritually and morally bankrupt. The call is now and the urgency is alarming!
Our heart is to create an atmosphere for God’s presence to rest and a place where people from all over the region can come to experience God and encounter Him in a real and transforming way. We are excited about what God is doing, and going to do in our region!
We have to rise up and build this culture of prayer in our region to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.