
Jennifer graduated from the International House of Prayer University in 2013 with a focus on Voice and Worship Leading. During her time as a student at IHOPU, she was also on staff at the International House of Prayer Missions Base in Kansas City and raised her own support as a full-time intercessory missionary.

For four and a half years Jennifer served on the IHOPKC missions base as a prophetic singer on different teams including Matt Gilman, Jon Thurlow, Luke Wood and others. She also worked as a Associate Core Leader for the Onething Internship (a discipleship program for young adults between 18-25), a discipleship group leader for students in IHOPU, and upon graduating she became a coach for students involved in the House of Prayer Leadership track.

Jenny has since moved to Mankato, Minnesota to serve as an intercessor and missionary. She currently helps give leadership to worship teams at Potter’s House of Prayer and desires to train and equip singers and musicians to walk in the fullness of their calling as prophetic musicians.